LA CRÈME 水晶之淚凝肌面霜50ml


隨著LA CRÈME 的誔生,一個追尋終極抗衰老的新時代正式開始。


憑藉Swissline多年來對肌膚抗衰老的科研造詣,與享譽國際的瑞士再生青春醫療美容中心Clinic Lemanic 共同研發,將最先進的配方,成就出質感彷如矜貴羊絨的LA CRÈME,真正奢華的終極體驗!

LA CRÈME boasts a state-of-the-art formulation dressed in a cashmere texture… the ultimate experience of luxury!  LA CRÈME’s unique cashmere texture and signature perfume have been fashioned with unsurpassed attention to detail, to offer women an authentic feeling of perfection. With each application, the visible signs of aging are addressed and seem to fade into the past, day after day.