L'EXTRAIT 水晶之淚凝肌精華30ml


具有提升及修復作用,只需一滴即可瞬間修復肌膚,首次使用就能感受其顯著效果。 每天持續使用,肌膚將煥發活力,保持細嫩緊緻。持續使用一個月,肌膚將完全恢復至最佳狀態,並繼續保持豐盈細緻,膚色均勻,宛如再生。 這款精華是Swissline 與世界著名肌膚再生和修復的瑞士醫療美容中心Clinic Lémanic攜手研發的第二款揉合高端科研及美容護膚的產品。

Intensely lifting and recovering extrait to immediately strengthen skin and deliver visible results from the very first application! Day after day, skin will be revitalized, firmed and infused with vibrancy. After one month of continued use, skin will have fully recovered to its optimum condition. It will continue to remain plump and even… as if it’s been renewed.